Merit and power in the Thai social order
article 1962 Hanks, Lucien M. (Lucien Mason)

Central ThaiAsia > Southeast Asia
This article provides a general discussion of Thai conceptions of “merit” and “power”, considered in relation to the more general scheme which is informed by what Hanks refers to as a “magico-animist” cosmology. Some insight is given into the nature ...

Rice and man: agricultural ecology in Southeast Asia
Book 1972 Hanks, Lucien M. (Lucien Mason)

Central ThaiAsia > Southeast Asia
This monograph presents data on the agriculture and ecology of Bang Chan, focusing on shifts in methods of cultivating rice over the course of this century. Some information on the nature of the Bang Chan peasant community, and economic transformatio...

Observations on Northern Blackfoot kinship
Book 1966 Hanks, Lucien M. (Lucien Mason) & Richardson, Jane

BlackfootNorth America > Plains and Plateau
This monograph is an analysis of the Northern Blackfoot (Siksika) kinship system. The kin terms are enumerated, their ranges of application discussed, and behavior between specific classes of relatives is examined. The authors then relate several cla...

Tribe under trust
Book 1950 Hanks, Lucien M. (Lucien Mason) & Hanks, Jane Richardson

BlackfootNorth America > Plains and Plateau
The Blackfoot Reserve of Alberta has a trust fund from the sale of reservation lands in 1910. The trust fund provides the Indians with a certain degree of social security, yet they are dissatisfied. This problem is the subject of the study. The subje...

Bang Chan
Book 1978 Sharp, Lauriston & Hanks, Lucien M. (Lucien Mason)

Central ThaiAsia > Southeast Asia
This document, a product of the Cornell Thailand Project, is a “social history” of Bang Chan from ca. 1850-1960. It is a traditional history, based on the accounts of the villagers. It is, consequently event and personality centered. Researchers are ...